Harnessing AWS Bedrock & Langchain for Advanced Chatbots


  • IpponGPT 🤖🦜
  • Leverages a serverless LLM service via AWS Bedrock (Anthropic Claude)
  • Built using the Langchain framework to combine various components (DB, memory, routers, etc)
  • Utilizes AWS OpenSearch Serverless as a Vector DB
  • Relies on the Slack Bolt framework for the Slack integration via Websockets


  1. Overview of Bedrock 🛏🪨
  2. Embeddings & Vector Databases 🛰📐
  3. Overview of Langchain ⛓
  4. Demo

What is AWS Bedrock

  • Managed LLM service focused on ease of use
  • Provides access many Foundational Models (Claude, Command, Mistral, Llama)
  • Tightly integrated with other services (Knowledge Bases for Bedrock)

Finetunning vs Knowledge Base

Finetunning LLM -> Change LLM behaviour

Knowledge Base -> Gain domain knowledge

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

This is the usecase Knowledge Bases for Bedrock is tyring to solve
There are two main processes:

  • Preprocessing Step
  • Retrieval Step

Preprocessing Step

Retrieval Step

What is an embedding?

What is a vector database?

  • Designed to store and retrieve data based on similarity
  • Dedicated Vector DB: Pinecone, Chroma, LanceDB
  • Supports Vector Search: OpenSearch, Postgres, Cassandra

How are vectors stored?

│                                           ┌─────────┐  │
│                               ┌────────┐  │   Doc   │  │
│                               │   Doc  │  └─────────┘  │
│                               └────────┘  ┌──────────┐ │
│                               ┌──────────┐│    Doc   │ │
│                               │    Doc   │└──────────┘ │
│                               └──────────┘             │
│                                                        │
│                                                        │
│    ┌───────┐                                           │
│    │  Doc  │                                           │
│    └───────┘                                           │

in this simple vector database, documents in the upper right corner are more closely related


Talk on Embeddings: What they are and why they matter by Simon Willison

What is Langchain

  • Open-source framework for building LLM powered apps
  • Model agnostic, bring your own LLM (milage may vary)
  • Large and growing community supporting 3rd party integrations
  • Part of a larger ecosystem: LangSmith, LangServe, LangGraph
  • Enables easily stitching prebuilt components into 'chains'

What is Langchain Cont'd

  • Set of high-level abstractions around core components
  • Components can be linked together to form chains
  • Allows for flexibility when changing LLMs, Vector DBs, etc
  • Uses LangChain Expression Language (LCEL) to define chains -> similar to pipe operator |

Preprocessing code example

from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from langchain_community.document_loaders import S3FileLoader
from langchain_community.vectorstores.opensearch_vector_search import (

def save_documents(index, docs):
    return OpenSearchVectorSearch.from_documents(
        documents=docs, embedding=get_openai_embeddings(), **get_vectorstore_args(index)

# Fetch documents from S3
loader = S3FileLoader(S3_BUCKET, EMP_HANDBOOK_KEY)
docs = loader.load()

# Calculate average chunk size (25% overlap)
chunk_size, chunk_overlap = calculate_chunks(docs)

text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(
splits = text_splitter.split_documents(docs)

# Save documents to vector database
save_documents("employee-handbook", splits)

Retrieval code example

from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA
from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain_community.chat_models import BedrockChat
from langchain_community.vectorstores.opensearch_vector_search import (

def get_vectorstore(index):
    return OpenSearchVectorSearch(
        embedding_function=get_openai_embeddings(), **get_vectorstore_args(index)

llm = BedrockChat(
    model_kwargs={"temperature": 0},

emp_handbook_retriever = get_vectorstore("employee-handbook").as_retriever(
    search_type="similarity", search_kwargs={"k": 4}

employee_handbook_chain = RetrievalQA.from_llm(

employee_handbook_chain.invoke("question": "what is the leave policy?")

Prompting Techniques

  • Zero-Shot Prompt: Instructs the model to perform a task
  • Few-Shot Prompt: Includes a examples, samples, or snippets with desired output
  • Chain of Thought: Instructs the model to explain their reasoning
  • More techniques at Prompt Engineering Guide

Chain example using LCEL

from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain_core.runnables import RunnablePassthrough
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser

topic_chain = (
    {"question": RunnablePassthrough()}
    | PromptTemplate.from_template(PROMPT_ROUTE)
    | llm
    | StrOutputParser()

topic_chain.invoke({"question": "what is the leave policy?"})

What else can we do with Langchain

  • Routing between mulitple chains
  • Nesting chains
  • Including chat history
  • Rephrasing queries based on context and history
  • And much much more...

Routing between multiple chains

from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableBranch

branch = RunnableBranch(
        lambda x: x["topic"] == "RESUMES_AND_ORG_CHART",
        RetrievalQA.from_llm(PROMPT_RESUMES, resume_retriever)
        lambda x: x["topic"].strip() == "HANDBOOK",
        RetrievalQA.from_llm(PROMPT_BENEFITS_AND_POLICIES, benefits_retriever)
        lambda x: x["topic"].strip() == "CASE_STUDIES",
        RetrievalQA.from_llm(PROMPT_CASE_STUDIES, case_studies_retriever)

Nesting multiple chains together

topic_chain = (
    {"question": RunnablePassthrough()}
    | PromptTemplate.from_template(PROMPT_ROUTE)
    | self.llm
    | StrOutputParser()

full_chain = {
    "topic": topic_chain,
    "question": itemgetter("question")
} | branch

full_chain.invoke({"question": "what is the leave policy?"})

Including chat history

from service.in_memory import ChatWindowMessageHistory # Based on BaseChatMessageHistory
from langchain_core.chat_history import BaseChatMessageHistory
from langchain_core.runnables.history import RunnableWithMessageHistory

def get_session_history(self, session_id: str) -> BaseChatMessageHistory:
    if session_id not in self.store:
        self.store[session_id] = ChatWindowMessageHistory(k=10)
    return self.store[session_id]

with_history = RunnableWithMessageHistory(

Rephrasing questions based on contexnt

prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(PROMPT_REPHRASE)
rephrased_chain = (
        "question": itemgetter("question"),
        "history": itemgetter("history"),
    | prompt
    | llm
    | StrOutputParser()

chain = {"question": rephrased_chain} | full_chain
chain.invoke({"question": "what is the leave policy?"})

What's the flow for IpponGPT?

Architecture Diagram

Demo Time!

Where do you go from here

  1. Try other prompting techniques -> Few-Shot Prompting
  2. Cache answers for related questions
  3. Try LLM finetunning with your own data
  4. Include a manual feedback mechanism for answers

Where to save on cost

  1. Use an LLM Router based on user input
  2. Reduce tokens by removing compressing prompts -> LLMLingua
  3. Start with smaller models




Theo Lebrun | Sarah Narum | Will Han


Langchain DocsAWS Bedrock Docs

I'm here to talk about IpponGPT, what it is and how we built it. I can talk you about IpponGPT, a Bedrock + Langchain powered chatbot in our internal slack.

* Focused around providing a friendly experience

* Offers multiple pretrained LLMs for specific uses

Lets step back for a second to talk Finetunning VS Knowledge Base



https://www.emojisearch.app/ https://til.simonwillison.net/tils?

How do we go about: - Creating those embeds - Accessing them

How do start putting these components together?