TIL ~> today i learned

Manage Git Configs

Published on: 11 Oct 23


There’s a better way to manage all your Git profiles. By adding:

[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"]
    path = /path/to/foo.inc

to your main git config you can conditionally include config options from another source. This essentially enables having multiple git configs for each git identity.

For example, say you have 3 separate Git profiles for personal, clientA, and clientB. You would then need 3 .gitconfig files, like this:

Your main .gitconfig doesn’t change it will act as the base for the others. The other config files will only contain the changes you want to override. To override the email I would add this:

# ~/.gitconfig-clientA
email = rmoran@clienta.com

Git will use the updated config file based on the location of the git repo. This means your workspace will need to be partitioned if its not already. This is how I configure my workspace directories:

Now we have to explicitly tell Git which files to include the git repo directory. In your main .gitconfig, append the following:

[includeIf "gitdir:~/Workspace/clientA/"]
path = ~/.gitconfig-clientA

This means if our git directory is in ~/Workspace/clientA/ then include ~/.gitconfig-clientA config file.

You can validate configuration by initializing a new repo in the clientA Workspace then run git config -l:

mkdir -p ~/Workspace/clientA/demo
cd ~/Workspace/clientA/demo
git init
git config -l

# ...
# includeif.gitdir:~/Workspace/clientA/.path=~/.gitconfig-clientA
# user.email=rmoran@clienta.com

You can repeat these steps for configuring more Git profiles.

mkdir -p ~/Workspace/${client}

touch ~/.gitconfig-${client}
cat >~/.gitconfig-${client} <<EOF
# ~/Workspace/${client}/
email = ${email}@${client}.com

cat >> ~/.gitconfig <<EOF
[includeIf "gitdir:~/Workspace/${client}/"]
path = ~/.gitconfig-${client}


  1. Git Docs. Git documentation on conditional includes